The Squid Patrol, with me on the far right |
I was Deller. We also had Toad, Slug, and the Squid and a few others, whose names I can't recall. Squid was a dominant character, with the most amusing title that stuck with him for the rest of his life. His ability to command attention led him to create technical gadgets and ideas that major companies used and that propelled him to success and riches.
We were that "Stand by Me" group. We were the boys who sat outside the principal's office waiting our turn for scoldings and all the while making the eerie noises in the same pattern of our classroom mischief.
There is more--much more--to the Squid Patrol, just like there is more to the stories of boys everywhere who bonded like us. And more to tell you later in other selections of this ongoing story about growing up boy.